Renegade Lemonade (750ml)
Renegade Lemonade (750ml)
Our 100% lemon wine has perfectly combined the zesty flavor of lemons with the sophistication of wine, offering a delightful experience and a welcome twist on traditional beverages. Renegade Lemonade is light, crisp and refreshing with an exquisite balance of tart and sweet. Think sophisticated, adult lemonade. The unique blend of flavors creates a harmonious balance that will tantalize your taste buds and leave you craving more. Served chilled or as a cocktail Renegade Lemonade will become your must-have beverage for any gathering.
This is a slightly sweet, light wine. I had never had a lemon wine before and was pleasantly surprised!
Very refreshing wine for summer!
It’s light, slightly sweet but the lemon taste is amazing
Perfect wine for summer Spritter.
The wine was absolutely incredible the way it tasted it made you feel like you were on a beach enjoying the sun it is a smooth wine that I will recommend to all of my friends I absolutely love it.